Troop 1102 is the first BSA Troop for Girls in the Arrowmoon District, Sam Houston Area Council. We were formed out of the need to provide the Family Scouting experience to girls who want to have the same involvement in scouting as their brothers and fathers. We were officially chartered in May of 2019 under the Kiwanis Club of College Station. We have a brother Troop 102, previously chartered under Kiwanis Club of College Station whom we join regularly in some scouting activities such as summer camp.
First and foremost, our focus is to maintain the fidelity of the scouting program. In addition, we are dedicated to providing a diverse experience to our scouts while instilling an environmental conscious mindset in every scout. Camping, hiking, canoeing, and cooking are a few of the BSA experiences your child will have in our Troop. Scouts are challenged to live by the Scout Oath and Law. Most importantly, your child will have an experience that was not previously available. Every scout has the opportunity to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. Adult leaders are fully trained and meet regularly as a group to plan and provide each scout with the necessary tools for success.